Remuneration Policy for members of the board

The Board operates a controlled and sustainable remuneration policy. SPF checks and compares this remuneration policy with external parties as much as possible. The remuneration policy is based on the Standards for Remuneration Act (Wet normering topinkomens). This is becoming increasingly common in the pension sector.


The external Board members, the members of the SB, and the external investment and risk advisor receive remuneration in line with prevailing market standards. The pensioner members of the Board and the AC receive expenses. SPF does not provide performance-related remuneration or severance payments. The fund also does not provide loans to current or former Board members, nor are any amounts due from members or former members of the Board. The pension fund does not have any employees. 

Since 2023, SPF has made annual remuneration adjustments in line with the increase in the so-called remuneration ceiling, which is based on the Standards for Remuneration Act.